And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; [for] I fear God:

Ver. 18. And Joseph said unto them the third day.] So God, "after two days, will receive his; in the third day he will raise them up, and they shall live in his sight." Hos 6:2 "The rod of the wicked shall not rest on the lot of the righteous, lest they put forth their hands to folly"; Psa 125:3 lest their "spirits fail" before him. For others he cares not so much, as for the choice spirits of his faithful people. When we beat ordinary spices, we care not for every dust, but let some fly out, and fall on the ground; but if Bezoar stone, or some such precious stuff, every little is looked to. So here.

For I fear God.] Deum illum, saith Junias, that true God, the proper object of fear; and therefore you need not doubt of fair dealing. See Trapp on " Gen 20:11 " Learn here, that confession of our faith is to be made as oft as thereby God may be glorified and our brethren edified.

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