But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; (from thence [is] the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)

Ver. 24. But his bow abode in strength.] He "gave not place to them by subjection, no, not for an hour." Gal 2:5 "If thou faint in adversity, thy strength is small," saith Solomon. Pro 24:10 Joseph did not; but, as it was said of old Rome, Roma cladibus animosior; and as of Mithridates, a he never wanted courage or counsel, when he was at the worst; so neither did Joseph. Virtus lecythos habet in malis. The sound heart stands firm under greatest pressures. 2 Corinthians 1:9 ; 2Co 1:12 Whereas, if a bone be broke, or but the skin rubbed up and raw, the lighest load will be troublesome. Hang heavy weights upon rotten boughs, they presently break. But Joseph's were green, and had sap.

By the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.] It was said of Achilles, that he was Styge armatus; but Joseph was Deo forti armatus, and thence his safety. He used lfis bow against his adversaries, as David did his sling against Goliath. He slung, saith Bucholcer, perinde ac si fundae suae tunicis non lapillum, sed Deum ipsum induisset ac implicuisset, as if he had wrapped up God in his sling.

a το φρονημα ην αυτω δει, καν ταις ρυμφοραις. - Plut.

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