And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him.

Ver. 24. And Enoch walked with God.] And so “condemned the world”: Heb 11:7 first, by his life; secondly, at his death. By his life, in that he kept a constant counter-motion to the corrupt courses of the times; not only not swimming down the stream with the wicked, but pronouncing God's severe judgment against them, even to the extreme curse of Anathema Maranatha, as St Jude tells us Jdg 1:14 Secondly, by his death he condemned them: in that so strange a testimony of God's grace and glory, in his wonderful translation, did not affect and move them to amend their evil manners. The heathens had heard somewhat afar off, concerning this candidate of immortality, as the ancients call him, a and thence grounded their apotheoses. Eupolemon saith that their Atlas was Enoch, as their Janus was Noah. And how fitly are the Papists called heathens b by St John. Rev 11:2 Since, besides their Atlas of Rome, on whose shoulders the whole Church, that new heaven, must rest, there was at Ruremund, in Gilderland, a play acted by the Jesuits, anno 1622, under the title of the “Apotheosis of St Ignatius.” c

a Alsted, Chron., p. 85.

b Gentes sunt Antichristus cum suis asseclis. - Paraeus .

c Jac. Revil., Hist. Pontif. Rom ., p. 309. Sil. Ital.

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