Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, [and] whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark.

Ver. 19. Every beast after their kind.] Heb., After their families: that is, not confusedly and pell-mell, as we say, but distinctly and in order: the lion with the lioness, &c., every male with his female, the clean by themselves, and the unclean by themselves. And as these latter came to the ark unclean, and unclean they departed; so do millions, now-a-days, to the ordinances. A preacher hath as much joy to see them there as John Baptist had to see the Pharisees thronging to his baptism, when he cried out, "O generation of vipers," who sent for you "who hath forewarned you?" &c. Mat 3:7

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