And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth [month], on the first [day] of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.

Ver. 5. The waters decreased.] Not all on the sudden, but by little and little, for exercise of Noah's faith. "He that believeth maketh not haste". Isa 28:16 God limiteth our sufferings for time, manner, and measure. Joseph was a prisoner till the time came. Smyrna was in tribulation for ten days. Physic must have a time to work; and gold must lie some while in the fire. "In the opportunity of time," saith Peter, "God will exalt you." εν καιρω , 1Pe 5:6 Prescribe not to him, with those Bethulians in Judith; but wait his leisure, and let him do what is good in his own eyes. He waits a fit season to show us mercy, Isa 30:18 and thinks as long of the time as we do.

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