They [are] terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.

Ver. 7. They are terrible and dreadful] Or horrible, such as were those giants called Emims, Deu 2:10-11 Genesis 14:5, and far more formidable than that disputant at Paris, who would needs be styled horribilis Sophista, the horrible Sophister, non minorem eam appellationem ratus (saith Vires) quam Africani aut Asiatici, taking it for as great an honour as to be a conqueror.

Their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves] i.e. They shall do as they list; their lust shall be their law, Pellitur e medio sapientia, vi geritur res. See Psalms 12:4,5 Exodus 5:2. These Chaldeans will be their own carvers; ministering law according to their own pleasures. The honour also and dignity of this nation (now base and obscure) shall grow up and appear. Ipsa sibi iudicabit, et decretum suum exequetur: vel ex decreto sue exequetur. So Symmachus.

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