I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

Ver. 1. I will stand upon my watch] To see what becomes of my prayer, and what will be the issue of my doubts and temptations about God's providence, ruling the affairs of the world. See the note on Habakkuk 1:17. There are spaces between our prayers and God's answers. God hearkens what Habakkuk speaks; and Habakkuk must hearken another while what God speaks. This he had learned from David, Psalms 85:8. Prayer is a Christian's angel, seed, dove, messenger; and must be looked after. Who shoots an arrow, or casts a bowl, and takes not notice where it lights? They that observe not the answer of their prayers do as scoffing Pilate, who asked in scorn of Christ what is truth? but stayed not for an answer.

And set me upon the tower] Heb. Set me firm and fast (as a champion that will keep his ground) upon the tower or fortress of Divine meditation, upon God's word, which alone hath virtutem pacativam, a settling property to compose the soul when distempered, and to lodge a blessed calm, a sabbath of rest in it, far above all philosophical consolations; whereunto when Cicero had ascribed very much, yet he is forced to conclude, that the disease was too hard for the medicine, Nescio quomodo imbecillior est medicina quam morbus. And this well appeared both in Socrates, who died doubtingly, and Cato, who desperately slew himself, after he had first read Plato's discourse concerning the immortality of the soul. So foolish a thing it is to fly in distress of mind ad consolatiunculas creaturulae, as Luther speaketh; and not to run to the name of the Lord, that strong tower, Proverbs 18:10. R. Kimchi reads the text thus, I have set me in a circle, q.d. I will not quit till I have an answer, why thou deferrest to punish the wicked.

And will watch to see what he will say unto me] Or, in me, viz. by a prophetic spirit, by internal revelation, 2Sa 23:1 Zechariah 1:9; Zechariah 2:2. Preachers must still hearken what the Lord God saith unto them and in them; speaking as the oracles of God, 1 Peter 4:11, and able to say with St Paul, "I have received of the Lord that which also I deliver unto you," 1 Corinthians 11:23. For, ut drachmam auri sine imagine Principis, sic verba Praedicantis sine authoritate Dei, contemnunt homines, saith Lipsius. Bring Scripture, or else you do but throw forth words without wisdom, and to little purpose, because they come not Cum privilegio.

And what I shall answer, when I am reproved] Heb. Upon my reproof or arguing. Increpationis nomine tentationes intelligit, saith Gualther. Under the name of reproof he understandeth those temptations whereby his faith was assaulted, when he saw bad men prosper, good men suffer. Satan and the weed do usually set upon God's servants with this weapon, to unsettle their faith, and to make them fall from their own steadfastness. "Dost thou still retain thine integrity?" said Job's wife to him. Seest thou not how little good there is to be got by God's service? that all things are in a huddle here below, that they run on wheels, and have no certain course? Thus the devil and his imps suggest to the godly, and thereby greatly disquiet them; setting their thoughts all on a hurricane. It was the case of David, Psalms 73:2,3, of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 12:1; Jeremiah 12:5, of Basil, under the heat of the Arian persecution: An Ecclesias suas prorsus dereliquit Dominus? saith he; What? hath the Lord cast off all care of his Churches? Is it now the last hour? &c. Of many good people in Salvian's time, for whose satisfaction he was forced to write those eight excellent books, De Gubernatione Dei; as likewise Austin (upon a like occasion) did those two-and-twenty elaborate books, De Civitate Dei; and as the prophet Habakkuk here doth the following vision which he had for some time waited for, and now receiveth as a gracious answer to his prayer, Habakkuk 1:2,4, for his own and others' settlement in the doctrine of Divine providence.

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