Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Ver. 22. Let us draw near] Come, for the Master calleth,Mark 10:49 .

With a true heart] That is, with a heart truly and entirely given up to God, uprightly propounding God's service in prayer, and that out of a filial affection, delighting to do his will, and therefore well content to wait, or, if God see good, to want what it wisheth, desirous rather that God's will be done than our own, and that he may be glorified though we be not gratified; acknowledging the kingdom, power, and glory to be his alone. This is a true heart.

In full assurance of faith] πληροφορια. Not with a quarter or half wind, but with full assurance, such a gale of faith as fills the sails of the soul, and makes it set up its top-gallant, as it were.

Having our hearts sprinkled, &c.] Faith ever purgeth from sin, and worketh repentance from dead works.

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