Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

Ver. 26. Esteeming the reproach, &c.] Reproach is here reckoned as the heaviest part of Christ's cross. And if we can bear reproach for him, it is an argument we mean to stick to him, as the servant in the law that was content to be bored in the ear would stick to his master.

Than the treasures in Egypt] Egypt for its power and pride is called Rahab, Psalms 87:4 : famous it was for its learning, 1 Kings 4:30; Acts 7:23; and is still for its fruitfulness; so that where the Nile overfloweth, they do but throw in the seed, and have four rich harvests in less than four months. Thence Solomon had his chief horses, 2 Chronicles 9:28, and the harlot her fine linen, Proverbs 7:16, and yet Moses upon mature deliberation esteemed the reproach of Christ, &c. So did Origen choose rather to be a poor catechist in Alexandria than, denying the faith, to be with his fellow pupil Plotinus in great authority and favour. To profess the truth while we may live upon it, this argues no truth; but to profess it when it must live upon us, upon our honours, profits, pleasures, this is praise worthy, and argues not only truth, but strength of grace, 1 Samuel 14:26. It argued there was much power in that oath when none dared to touch one drop of that honey; so, to resist strong temptations, argues strong grace.

For he had respect, &c.] We may safely make any of God's arguments our encouragements; look through the cross, and see the crown beyond it, and take heart, Quis non patiatur, ut potiatur? Moses cast an eye (when he was on his journey) to cheer him in his way, απεβλεπε, he stole a look from glory; he goes to his cordial, and renews his strength, gets fresh encouragement. Columbus, when his men were weary, and resolved to come back, besought them to go on but three days longer. They did so, and discovered America. Heaven is but a little before us. Hold out, faith and patience.

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