Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

Ver. 35. Women received] As the Sareptan Shunammite, widow of Nain, &c. No such midwife as faith; it hath delivered even graves of their dead.

Others were tortured] Gr. ετυμπανισθησαν, they were tympanized, distended, stretched upon the rack, as a sheep's pelt is upon a drum head. Others render it, "They were bastonaded or beaten with bars or cudgels to death," as if it were with drum sticks.

Not accepting deliverance] On base terms; they scorned to flee away for the enjoyment of any rest, except it were with the wings of a dove, covered with silver innoceney. As willing were many of the martyrs to die as to dine. The tormentors were tired in torturing Blandina. And, We are ashamed, O emperor! The Christians laugh at your cruelty, and grow the more resolute, said one of Julian's nobles. Illud humiliter sublime et sublimiter humile, nisi in Christi Martyribus non videmus, saith Cyprian. This the heathens counted obstinacy (Tertul. in Apelog.); but they knew not the power of the Spirit, nor the private armour of proof that the saints have about their hearts.

That they might obtain a better resurrection] The resurrection they knew would recruit and rectify them. This held life and soul together. So Daniel 12:3. These miserable captives, saith Lucian (the atheist of the Christians of this time), have vainly persuaded themselves of a glorious resurrection, and hence their fool hardy forwardness to die. Other of the heathens jeered the Christians, and told them they needed not to care for their lives, since they should rise again. Will you, said they, rediturae parcere vitae, spare your carcases that shall rise.

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