By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Ver. 7. Moved with fear] Opposed to the security of the old world, who would know nothing till the very day that the flood came,Matthew 24:39; Noah trembled at God's judgments, whilst they hanged in the threatenings; and was no less affected than if himself had been endangered. See the like in Habakkuk, after that he threatened the Chaldeans, Habakkuk 3:16, and in Daniel, Daniel 4:19. Noah took things foretold him by God by the right handle, as the word ευλαβηθεις properly signifieth.

By the which he condemned the world] Of deep and desperate security, that dead lethargy where into sin and Satan had cast them. Their heathen posterity in scorn termed him Prometheus; and feigned him to be chained to Caucasus with a vulture feeding upon his entrails, in regard of his foretelling the flood, and providing an ark to escape it, near the mountain Caucasus.

And became heir] Heir apparent; he was hereby evidently declared to be such.

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