For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

Ver. 17. For ye know how that afterward] Sero inquit Nero,

Ad praerepta venit possessaque gaudia sero.

(Sueton. Ner. c. 49. Ovid. Epis. Hel.) Esau came too short because too late. Think of the uncertainty of the gales of grace, and be nimble.

He was rejected] απεδοκιμασθη, or, repulsed. For Isaac, when he saw that he had done unwilling justice in blessing Jacob, he durst not reverse the blessing, for he feared an exceeding great fear, Genesis 27:33. Neither natural affection nor Esau's importunity could make him repent and repeal what he had done.

Though he sought it carefully with tears] Tears they were of discontent, for he cries and at same time threatens his brother Jacob. Some weep for sin, some for misery, some for joy, some for compassion, some for revenge and in hypocrisy, as Esau here, who rued his deed, but repented not his sin.

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