For our God is a consuming fire.

Ver. 29. A consuming fire] viz. To profligate professors, ungirt Christians, Isaiah 33:14. And whereas the apostle saith Our God, he means the God of Christians also (as well as of Jews) is a consuming fire, see Exodus 23:20, with the note. As he is Pater miserationum, a Father of mercies to the penitent, so he is Deus ultionum, a God of vengeance to the rebellious. And as there is a legal and evangelical repentance, so also faith, to be exercised of all his people. There is an evangelical faith, which is in applying of Christ in the promises. There is also a legal faith, which consists in believing the threatenings and the terrors of the Lord. And if any would dwell safely with this devouring fire, let him read and practise that inIsaiah 33:14,15. Hypocrites shall be afraid, and as women's paint falls off when they come near the fire, so shall theirs.

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