Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

Ver. 2. Doctrine of baptisms] Inward and outward. Flaminis et fluminis, of water and of the Spirit, that "washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost," Titus 3:5. Calvin thinks the apostle meaneth the solemn rites or set days of baptizing. Others, the doctrine of both the sacraments; one being figuratively put for both, and the mention of the Lord's supper omitted, because the doctrine thereof was not anciently propounded to the catechumeni, or young Christians; neither were they suffered to see it administered.

And of laying on of hands] Hereby is meant the whole ministry and order of Church government, as prescribed by the word. The Scripture is to be taken in the largest sense, if nothing hinder, neither matter, phrase, nor scope. (Wilson's Theol. Rules.)

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