Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

Ver. 4. The golden censer] Or the altar of incense, which though it belonged to the most holy place, yet was placed without the veil,Exodus 30:6, &c., that it might be of daily use, the sweet incense offered thereon easily piercing through the veil, and filling the most holy with its savour.

Wherein was the golden pot, &c.] In or near to the ark of the covenant was this golden pot of manna, and Aaron's rod, and the tables of the Testament, and the propitiatory or covering, and a crown of gold around it. To insinuate thus much, saith one, that we must be like the ark of the covenant, being builded and reared up still toward the mark; not only when the Lord feedeth us with the sweet manna of his mercy, but also when he afflicteth us with the sharp rod of his correction, and always keep the tables of the Testament, which are the commandments, that by faith in Christ, who is the propitiation for our sins, we may obtain the golden crown of eternal life.

And the table of the covenant] It may here be objected, that,1 Kings 8:9; 2 Chronicles 5:10, it is said there was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone. For answer, εν η, "in which," relates not to ark, but tabernacle; so Junius observeth and reconeileth. Calvin and Pareus give other answers. Videsis, their conceit is not to be misliked, that say the ark is the Church, the tables the word, the manna the sacraments, and the rod the discipline.

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