John Trapp Complete Commentary
Hosea 2:18
And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and [with] the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.
Ver. 18. And in that day will I make my covenant for them with the beasts, &c.] At the first creation all things were subject to man on this condition that he should be subject to his Maker as his master. Rebellis autem facta est quia homo numini, creatura homini (Augustin). But no sooner did man rebel against God but the creature began to rebel against him. Look how a nobleman's servants wilt draw in defence of their lord, and soldiers fight for their general: so here, God is Lord of hosts. "They continue this day according to thine ordinance" (and fight in their courses, Jdg 5:20), "for they are all thy servants," Psalms 119:91; ready pressed they are to seize a sinner, and to do execution upon him, as a traitor, and rebel to the highest majesty: as the sword that Hector gave Ajax turned into his own bowels, when once he began to abuse it to the hurt of hurtless creatures. Now here God promiseth to abolish that enmity, to make peace, even pacem omnimodam, peace, peace, as the prophet Isaiah hath it, Isaiah 26:8, a multiplied peace, a perfect, sheer, pure peace with God, with themselves, with all creatures; and to restore them in Christ that dominion they once had over the works of his hands, Psalms 8:6 Hebrews 2:7, yea, power over all nations, Revelation 2:26, with a promise that all shall work together for their good, Romans 8:28, and they shall be fully freed, if not from the smart, yet from the hurt of every creature. Compare Eze 34:25 Job 5:23 Isaiah 11:6,7, where the prophet seemeth to allude to the carriage of the beasts in Noah's ark, all bloodiness and rapine laid aside. The Jews foolishly argue, from these texts, that Christ is not yet come, because the lion yet rageth, the wolf devoureth, serpents yet sting, and spare not the beast. And some interpreters of ours are of the opinion, that these promises shall be literally fulfilled at the restitution of all things, which they make to be at the time of the call of the Jews. But when I find Nebuchadnezzar and other enemies of the Church to be called lions, leopards, wolves, &c., as Jeremiah 5:6, and elsewhere, I cannot but think that these might be here meant, in part at least, ponentque ferocia Poeni cords volente Deo (Virg.); according to Peter's vision, Acts 10:10,16, and that God will so meeken the spirits of his converts, that they shall not hurt nor destroy in all his holy mountain, Isaiah 11:9. The literal sense is very good, I grant; but yet it is still to be taken (as all such promises are), 1. with exception of the cross here, 2. with expectation of the full accomplishment hereafter, in the state of perfection.
And I will break the bow, and the sword, and the battle out of the earth] These words seem to be opposed to that threat, Hosea 1:5, "I will break the bow of Israel," &c. And it is as if he should say, After that I have broken their power, and tamed their pride by the enemies' forces, then I wiI1 punish those enemies, and so take order with them, that they shall not hurt my people by any of their hostilities. Lo, peace is a piece of God's covenant; and covenant mercies are very sweet, when all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, Psalms 25:10; not mercy only, but truth too, that comes by virtue of a covenant. Mark what God saith to Abraham, Genesis 17:20,21; I have blessed Ishmael; twelve princes shall he beget: but my covenant will I establish to Isaac. And in the same chapter, divines observe, that in ten verses thereof God repeateth his covenant which he made with Abraham thirteen times, to note thus much, that that was the mercy indeed that must satisfy Abraham in all his troubles, sorrows, and afflictions: for the covenant of God's peace shall not be removed, no, not "when the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed," Isaiah 54:10. "The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace," Psalms 29:11 .
And will make them to lie down safely] Being gathered under my wings, they shall repose themselves upon my power and providence, committing themselves to me in well doing. All true and solid security, whether inward or outward; all true peace, whether of country or of conscience, floweth from God's favour. Psalms 3:3,8; Psa 4:1-8 Hence the apostle wisheth grace and peace, and the angels sang, "Glory be to God on high, and peace on earth," even the peace of goodwill toward men, the goodwill of him that dwelt in the bush, Eph 1:2 Luk 2:14 Deuteronomy 33:16. "The Lord is with me," saith David, "I will not fear what man can do unto me." I will sleep and wake, and wake and sleep again; for the Lord sustaineth me, Psalms 4:8. No wonder I slept so soundly and safely (said King Philip) when Antipater watched me. Abner watched not so well, when David fetched away Saul's spear and pitcher, and was barely told of it. Ishbosheth was slain while he slept. The saints go ever under a double guard, the peace of God within them, and the power of God without them, and may therefore, in utramque aurem dormire, lie down safely, see Jer 23:6 call their souls to rest, Philippians 4:7 1Pe 1:5 Lev 26:5 Psalms 116:7 .