And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face: and they do not return to the LORD their God, nor seek him for all this.

Ver. 10. And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face] Sept. the ignominy, or impudence of Israel: q.d. They think to brave it out in a stout and stomachful way. Low they are, but not lowly; humbled, but not humble. God thrust him downward, as it were with a thump on the back; but he stood stouting it out with him; and so discovered a great deal of arrogance and folly. Plectimur, may such say, nec tamen flectimur; Corripimur sed non corrigimur (Salvian.). We have been stricken, but not sick; beaten, but not sensible, &c.; the drunkards' ditty, Proverbs 23:35. When for all this, for all that God can do to tame them, and turn them again, they will on in their wicked ways, and not "accept the punishment of their iniquities"; not confess and forsake their sins, that they have mercy; not seek him, that is, come unto him by faith, Hebrews 11:6, and subject themselves unto him by true obedience, 2 Chronicles 7:14, this is such a piece of pride as testifieth to men's faces, that they deserve to be destroyed; this is wickedness with a witness; this is fastus adeo enormis atque notorius, saith Pareus, such horrible and notorious insolence, as is not to be endured. God complains of Israel for this with a sigh, Ah sinful nation, &c., and resolves upon revenge, Hosea 7:12. See Trapp on " Hos 5:5 " of turning to God. See Zechariah 1:3, and of seeking God, see Hosea 5:15 .

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