Wherefore it shall come to pass, [that] when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.

Ver. 12. Wherefore.] Heb., And. A close connection: where pride is in the saddle, there destruction is on the crupper; a when the scum is at highest, it falls in the fire.

When the Lord hath performed.] When he hath sufficiently chastised his children by this rod of his wrath, he will cast it into the fire; so Jer 25:1-38 when other nations have drunk deep of the cup of the divine displeasure, Babylon shall suck up the dregs. What became of the primitive persecutors, and of such as were most active here in those dogdays of Queen Mary? See the Acts and Monuments of the Church.

Upon Mount Zion.] For there he usually beginneth; Jeremiah 25:18 1Pe 4:17 his own he least of all spareth. Amo 3:2

I will punish the fruit of the stout heart.] His arrogant words and lofty looks, proceeding from the pride of his heart. But let himself tell what those fruits are.

a A leathern strap buckled to the back of the saddle and passing under the horse's tail, to prevent the saddle from slipping forwards.

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