The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Ver. 1. The burden of Damascus.] See Isaiah 13:1 .

Of Damascus.] That is, of the kingdom of Syria, the head city whereof was Damascus; and it was destroyed by Shalmaneser five or six years after this burdenous prophecy; the like whereunto, see Isaiah 49:23 Amo 1:2 Zechariah 9:1. It had been taken before by Tiglathpileser, 2Ki 15:29 and hath been rebuilded since, Acts 9:2 2Co 11:32 being at this day a noble city of the East - civitas laetitiae et laudabilis, as Jeremiah calleth it. Jer 49:24-25

And it shall be a ruinous heap.] It was so till re-edified, and inhabited by a new people.

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