He stretched out his hand over the sea, he shook the kingdoms: the LORD hath given a commandment against the merchant [city], to destroy the strong holds thereof.

Ver. 11. He stretched out his hand.] That "mighty hand" of his, 1Pe 5:6 wherewith he spanneth the heavens, Isa 48:13 brought the Red Sea upon the Egyptians, Exo 14:26 and still shaketh the wicked out of the earth, as by a canvas. Job 38:13

He shook the kingdoms.] Shook and shattered them - viz., by Nebuchadnezzar; the kingdom of Tyre especially, to the terror of others. Eze 26:15

The Lord.] "That man of war." Exo 15:3 "Mighty in battle." Psa 24:8

Hath given a commandment.] Bidding his forces fall on.

Against the merchant city.] Heb., Against, or concerning, Canaan; so he calleth Tyre the posterity of the old Canaanites, and a place of great merchandise. See Hosea 12:7 .

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