And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

Ver. 6. And in this mountain,] i.e., In the Church, Isa 2:2 God's court, Isa 24:23 as the table stood in the sanctuary.

Shall the Lord of hosts make.] Instead of that tree of life in paradise. See Revelation 2:7 .

Unto all people,] i.e., To the elect among all people, for reprobates are not worthy. Mat 22:8 Rev 3:4

A feast a of fat things.] The very best of the best. "Fat things, and marrow of fatness; wines," and the most refined; so that "the meek shall eat and be satisfied"; Psa 22:16 "Their soul shall delight itself in fatness." Isa 55:2 In the life to come, especially where there shall be solidum huius convivii complementum ac plena perfruitio. Meanwhile the saints have here, at the Lord's table especially, their dainties and junketting dishes, their celestial viands and most precious provisions: "fat things marrowed," as the Hebrew word is; not only full of marrow, but picked, as it were, and culled out of the heart of marrow. Wine, b first, in "the lees," that keepeth the smell, taste, and vigour, vinum cos, as they call it; as Jer 48:11 next, of "the finest and the best," such as at Lovain they call vinum theologicum, because the divines there, as also the Sorbonists at Paris, drink much of it. Jesus Christ, in his ordinances and graces, is all this, and much more. Proverbs 9:2 Mat 22:2 And yet men had rather, as swine, feed on swill and husks, c than on these incomparable delicacies.

a Convivium opimum, et munificentissimum, convivium medullatorum.

b Vina probantur odore, colore, sapore, nitore.

c Convivium faecium - Heb., "Shemarim" - faeces, enim vina ipsa conservant.

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