The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I [do] this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth.

Ver. 19. The living, the living, he shall praise thee.] Those that live the life of nature, if withal they live the life of grace, and so are living living, and not "dead while they live": for the wicked cannot praise God; they can say God a thank, and that is all. But as it is with the hand dial - the finger of the dial standeth at twelve, when the dial hath not moved one minute; so though their tongues are forward in praises, yet their hearts stand still. What they do this way is but "dead work."

The father to the son shall make known.] And for this end parents may desire to live longer. Hezekiah did his part, no doubt, by wicked Manasseh, who also at length repented and was saved.

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