The writing of Hezekiah king of Judah, when he had been sick, and was recovered of his sickness:

Ver. 9. The writing of Hezekiah.] Scriptum confessionis, a song of thanksgiving set forth by Hezekiah, and here inserted by the prophet Isaiah, as a public instrument and lasting monument of God's great goodness to him in his late recovery; such a thankful man is worth his weight in the gold of Ophir. Heathens in such a case were wont to hang up tables in the temples of their gods. Papists build chapels, erect altars, hang up memories, as they call them, and vow presents to their he saints and she saints. But among us, alas! it is according to the Italian proverb, a When the disease is once removed, God is utterly defrauded:

Aegrotus surgit, sed pia vota iacent.

We may he wondered at, not without cause, as the Emperor Constantine marvelled at his people that were newly become Christians: I marvel, said he, how it comes to pass that many of my people are worse now than before they were Christians.

a Sciapato il morbo, fraudato il sancto.

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