Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye [are] gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold [it] together.

Ver. 23. Show the things that are to come.] This first argument is much insisted on. God alone can properly predict; and Testimonium divinitatis est veritas divinationis. a Cato Major was wont to say, that he wondered how one diviner could look upon another and not laugh, as knowing themselves to be no better than deceivers of the people.

Yea, do good or evil.] Good to your friends, evil to your foes. This is the second argument, and it is unanswerable. If it be objected, that this the devil can do, and hath done, the answer is; (1.) that idols can do neither good nor evil, (2.) no, nor yet devils; but the good they do their clients is a mere magic, and the evil they do to any is by divine permission. See Cyprian's Fourth Treatise, De Vanitate Idolorum. b

a Tertul. Apol., cap. 20.

b Vide etiam, Aug. De Civlt. Dei, lib. ii. cap. 22, 25, &c.

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