I, [even] I, [am] he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

Ver. 25. I, even I, am he.] Gratuitam misericordiam diligentissime exprimit. God diligently setteth forth his own free grace, and greatly glorieth in it, showing how it is that he freeth himself from trouble and them from destruction, viz., for his own sake alone.

That blotteth out thy transgressions.] Heb., Am blotting out, constantly and continually I am doing it. As thou multipliest sins, so do I "multiply pardons." Isa 55:7 So John 1:29, "He taketh away the sins of the world"; it is a perpetual act, like as the sun shineth, the spring runneth. Zec 13:1 Men gladly blot out that which they cannot look upon without grief. Malum enim semel delere quam perpetuo dolere, so here we are run deep in God's debt book; but his discharge is free and full. a

For mine own sake.] Gratis et propter me. Let us thankfully reciprocate, and say, as he once did, Propter te, Domine, propter te, For thy sake, Lord, do I all.

And will not remember thy sins.] Discharges in justification are not repealed or called in again. b Pardon proceedeth from special love and mercy, which alter not their consigned acts.

a Dulcis Metaph. One may with a pen cross a great sum as well as a little.

b Peccata non redeunt.

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