That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise [men] backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;

Ver. 25. That frustrateth the tokens of the liars.] Their false prognostics of the long lastingness of the Babylonian empire, and therefore no likelihood of the Jews' enlargement.

And maketh diviners mad.] Diviners, the Latins call soothsayers and such fellows, by a term that is altogether too good for them. Quum sint potius diabolici, saith Piscator, since they are rather devils incarnate than divines. By a like form of speech Alsted a said of his Germans, that if the Sabbath day should be named according to their observing of it, Daemoniacus potius quam Dominicus diceretur.

That turneth wise men backward.] The world's wizards, who approved of that which the diviners affirmed, judging according to outward appearance, &c.

a In Encyclop.

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