And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

Ver. 14. And judgment is turned away backward.] Nihil amplius ex aequo et bono agitur; all is out of order, causes are carried the contrary way.

Truth is fallen in the streets.] When the disputation at Oxford with Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer, martyrs, was finished, Weston, the prolocutor, triumphed with Vicit veritas, whereas he should rather have said, Vicit potestas - not truth, but force, hath carried it. In the convocation at Paul's about the same time, when Philpot and other good men argued for the truth against the Popish prelates, it was said that those distressed ministers had the Word for them, but the prelates had the sword on their side, and would therefore get the better. a

a Acts and Mon., 1300.

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