None calleth for justice, nor [any] pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

Ver. 4. None calleth for justice.] Mindeth the judges of their duty, but rather connive, collogue, partake, &c. The Chaldee hath it, ‘There is none that delivereth the poor and needy.'

They trust in vanity.] As those did; Jer 7:4 making a bridge of their own shadows, they fall into the brook.

They conceive mischief, &c.] This is taken out of Psa 7:14 Job 15:35; See Trapp on " Psa 7:14 " See Trapp on " Job 15:35 " Heb., Going great with grievance, and bringing forth vexation.

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