For all those [things] hath mine hand made, and all those [things] have been, saith the LORD: but to this [man] will I look, [even] to [him that is] poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Ver. 2. For all those things hath my hand made.] And could not I, then, have made myself a house without your help if I had listed or needed? Required I a temple for any other use or purpose but for the furtherance of your faith in Christ and love one to another? "These things have I made," yet these all I regard not in comparison. But

To this man will I look,] viz., With special intimation of my care and kindness - q.d., To thee be it spoken, I have an eye to thee.

Even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit.] Sept., Humble and quiet, a Vera Sabbata agens, that being poor in spirit hath a Sabbath of spirit, comforting himself in the Lord his God: to such God looketh. He cannot look upwards, saith one, because he hath none above him; nor on either side, because he hath none equal unto him: therefore he is said to look down, and that also upon the humble and broken-hearted, with singular delight and complacence. Humilitas est thronus sapphirinus in quo Deus cum maiestate residet.

And trembleth at my word,] viz., With a filial fear flowing from faith in Christ, trembling at the threatenings before they come into execution. This is a point of singular prudence, for God therefore threateneth that he may not inflict punishment: but ‘they that tremble not in hearing, shall be crushed to pieces in feeling,' said that martyr. What, then, will be the end of such as hear the menaces of God's mouth no otherwise than they do the stories of foreign wars or the predictions of a prognostication, which they think may come to pass, and it may be not?

a ηουχον .

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