Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.

Ver. 7. Before she travailed, she brought forth.] Quum nondum parturiret peperit; understand it of Zion, or of the Church Christian, which receiveth her children, that is, converts, suddenly on a cluster before she thought to have done, and in far greater numbers than she could ever have believed. a That lady that brought forth as many at a birth as are days in the year b was nothing to her: nor those Hebrew women. Exo 1:10

She was delivered of a man child.] For the which there is so great joy, Joh 16:21 and which is usually more able and active than a woman child. So, good and bold Christians, strong in faith; unless he meaneth Christ himself, saith Diodat, who is formed by faith in every believer's heart. Gal 4:19

a Subito ac simul. Suddenly and at the same time.

b Margaret, Countess of Henneburg.

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