Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son;

Ver. 6. Forasmuch as this people.] The ten revolted tribes, not worth the naming. see Isa 7:6

Refuse the waters of Shiloah.] Slight and contemn the small means and strength of the Church: Humilem et obscurum stature regni Zionis.

That run softly] At the foot of Mount Zion, creeping and crooking, slowly and slyly; called therefore, as some think, the dragon's well. Neh 2:13 Caesar a saith the like of the river Araris, probably Sone; and the poet Claudian of the Nile,

Lene fluit Nilus, sed cunctis amnibus extat

Utilior, nullas coafessus murmure vires. ”

And rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son.] "Rejoice in a thing of nought," as Amos's expression is in Amos 6:13 . The Hebrew here hath it thus: And joy is to Rezin, &c.; that is, the Syrians and Israelites both are much cheered up to see that Judah is at so great an under, and so easy to be overcome, as they think.

a De Bell. Gall., lib. i.

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