Nevertheless the dimness [shall] not [be] such as [was] in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict [her by] the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations.

Ver. 1. Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such.] Dimness of anguish had been forethreatened. Isa 8:22 Now this is added for an allay, as being a promise of a mitigation of their misery, and yet further of Christ's incarnation, which is the sum of all the good news in the world. Evangelistam hic agit Isaias, non prophetam, saith one, a i.e., Isaiah here acteth the part of an evangelist rather than of a prophet. He foretelleth, saith another interpreter, b that as the Assyrians preyed upon Samaria and Galilee, so shall the Lord Christ also prey upon them spiritually, and for their greatest good. Isa 9:2 And as Tiglathpileser first carried away a few out of Galilee, lightly afflicting the land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, and then Shalmaneser, more grievously afflicting her, carried captive those and all the rest of the ten tribes; similarily Christ, first preaching in Galilee, converted and called from there various of his disciples, and afterwards, when he was lifted up from the earth, he drew all men unto him. Joh 12:32 He rode upon his white horse, the apostles, conquering the world, and to conquer. Rev 6:2 And hence that sincere joy in the hearts of his servants, far exceeding that of harvest, which is not without great toil, or that of soldiers dividing the spoil, which is not achieved without confused noise and garments rolled in blood. Isaiah 9:2,3 ; Isa 9:5 c

By the way of the sea.] The sea of Tiberias, Joh 21:1 or lake of Genesareth. Luk 5:1

Beyond Jordan.] Or, Beside Jordan.

In Galilee of the Gentiles.] See Trapp on " Mat 4:15 "

a Scult.

b A Lap.

c Oecolamp.

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