Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, [and] make [it] gross darkness.

Ver. 16. Give glory to the Lord your God.] Confess your sins; Jos 7:19 one part of repentance put for the whole. Jeremiah was as constant a preacher of repentance, as Paul, and after him Augustine, were of the free grace of God. The impenitent person robbeth God of his right; the penitent man sarcit iniuriam Deo irrogatam, seemeth to make some kind of amends to God, whom he had wronged, by restoring him his glory, which he had run away with, while he putteth himself into the hands of justice, in hope of mercy.

Before he cause darkness,] scil., Of calamity and captivity. Currat poenitentia, ne praecurrat sententia.

Before your feet stumble.] a So, before ye fall upon the dark and dangerous crags and precipices of eternal perdition. Which, to prevent, work while the light lasteth; walk while it is yet day.

a Modestissima explicatio infaelicitatis.

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