Do not abhor [us], for thy name's sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us.

Ver. 21. Do not abhor us, for thy name's sake.] This was to "continue instant in prayer." Rom 12:12 This was to pray on, and not to faint. Luk 18:1 If thy suit be not honest, never begin it; and if it be, never leave it.

Do not disgrace the throne of thy glory.] The temple, and the ark in it. The Romans held the extinction of the Vestal fire a sign of the destruction of their city, be the cause thereof what it will. a We may well think the same of the loss of God's ordinances, which therefore we must deprecate, as here, with all our might; for as Bodin said well of obtaining, so likewise for retaining, religion, Non disputationibus sed rogationibus, &c., the business will be the better ejected by requests than disputes. Pray therefore for the peace of Jerusalem, yea, take no nay. Deus ipse qui nullis contra se viribus superari potest, precibus vincitur. b The invincible God is overcome by the power of prayer. There is a kind of omnipotence in it, saith Luther.

Remember, break not thy covenant with us.] Lo, this is to be God's faithful remembrancer, Isa 62:6-7 suggesting unto him seasonable items.

a εφ ης ποτε αν αιτιας γενηται. - Dion. Halicar., lib. ii.

b Jerome.

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