For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force [is] not right.

Ver. 10. For the land is full of adulterers.] It is even become a great brothel house, as sometimes Cyprus was, and as Rome is now said to be:

Tota est iam Roma lupanar.

“Now Rome is entirely a brothel.”

For because of swearing (or cursing) the land mourneth.] Swearers and cursers, then, are public enemies, traitors to the State. The Jews observe that Beershaba signifies, The well of oath; and Beersaba, The well of plenty. Sure we are that for oaths the land mourneth; of which there is such store, as if men, by an easy mistake of the point, used to draw and drop them, as it were, out of the well of plenty.

And the pleasant places.] Or, Pastures, or habitations, which, being dried up, seem to mourn, and yet the inhabitants are without all sense of sorrow.

And their course is evil.] Naught all over, as we say.

And their force is not right.] Not rightly employed; they are not valiant for the truth, but violent for wrong doing.

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