Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it.

Ver. 10. Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and brake it.] This was a most insolent and desperate fact in Hananiah - but nihil est audacius illis deprensis - and a most dangerous temptation to the people to believe his prophesying. Such another bold henchman was Nestorius the heretic: Audax erat, saith Zanchius, et magnae loquentiae, qua unica fretus nihil non audebat, et quidem saepenumero feliciter quod volebat, obtinebat a - that is, Bold he was and big spoken, trusting whereunto he durst attempt anything; and too too oft he effected also that which he attempted; so that he seduced for a while the good emperor Theodosius, and caused him to eject Cyril, an orthodox bishop, whom afterwards, upon better consideration, he restored again to his place with greater honour, and condemned that hypocrite and heretic Nestorius, of whom what became afterwards I wot not; but Hananiah died, as he well deserved, for his thus daring to fight against God.

a Zanch., Miscell. Epist. Dedic.

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