Alas! for that day [is] great, so that none [is] like it: it [is] even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.

Ver. 7. Alas! for that day is great,] i.e., Troublesome and terrible, somewhat like the last day, the day of judgment, which is therefore also called the "great day," because therein the great God will do great things, &c.

It is even the time of Jacob's trouble.] Such as never befell him before. Those very days shall be "affliction," so Mark expresseth the last desolation; Jer 13:19 not "afflicted" only, but "affliction" itself. But though it be the time of Jacob's troubles, let it be also the time of his trust, for there will be shortly a day of his triumph.

But he shall be saved out of it.] Not from it, but yet out of it; the Lord knoweth how to deliver his: 2Pe 2:9 and though Sense say it will not be; Reason it cannot be; yet Faith gets above and says it shall be; I see the land.

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