But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

Ver. 10. See on 2 Kings 25:11,12. Sic vides miras rerum vices. See what a wonderful turn of things was here on the sudden, and how that of Seneca was here made good, Una dies interest inter magnam civitatem et nullam, There is but a day's difference sometimes between a great city and no city. Josephus and some others say that the Rechabites, as men peaceable, and given much to contemplation, were also left in the land. This destruction of Jerusalem was, saith Oecolampadius, a kind of type of the general judgment. For like as in Jerusalem the wicked perished, but the poor and peaceable were not only spared, but enriched, so shall it be at that day.

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