And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

Ver. 10. And come and stand before me in this house.] This was worse than to do as the Circassiaus, a kind of mongrel Christians of the Greek Church of this day, who, as they baptize not their children till the eighth year, so they enter not into the Church, the gentlemen especially, till the sixtieth year, but hear divine service standing without the temple - that is to say, till through age they grow unable to continue their rapines and robberies, to which sin that nation is exceedingly addicted. a

And say, We are delivered,] i.e., Licensed. Hoc idem dicunt qui cogitationes inter peccata non numerant, saith Oecolampadius.

a Breerwood's Enquiry.

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