Job 10:3 [Is it] good unto thee that thou shouldest oppress, that thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked?

Ver. 3. Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest oppress?] It is the guise of wicked judges to take this counsel, to follow this course; whom thou, being a most just and righteous judge, canst not confirm or encourage by thine own example, as it were by a light shining from above. Thus Job rhetoricateth; his complaints are high, yet ever with an alloy or mixture of modesty (Beza).

That thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands] i.e. Me, thy poor creature, wilt thou do and undo? make a man, and unmake him again for thy mind's sake? Builders use not to ruin what they have built; artificers love and plead for their own handiwork; fathers foster their children with all tenderness. Some authors dote upon their own doings, as Laurentius Valla did upon his logic, as if there had been none such, calling it, in a bravado, Logicam Laurentinam; and as Campian the Jesuit did upon his ten leaden reasons, which he deemed and boasted to be unanswerable, Heliodorus would rather be unbishoped than yield that his Ethiopic history (a toilsome toy, but the brat of his brain) should be abolished. The saints are "God's building," 1 Corinthians 3:9; handy work, Ephesians 2:10; "children," Romans 9:26; "epistles known and read of all men," 2 Corinthians 3:2,3. This if we plead, when sorely afflicted (as the Church did, Isaiah 64:8, and David, Psalms 138:8, and Job here), we may have anything. See that notable text, Isaiah 45:11, and that other, Isaiah 59:16 .

And shine upon the counsel of the wicked?] That is, favour and further their designs. God makes his sun to shine upon such, but himself never shineth upon them. He may be angry enough with men, though they outwardly prosper; yea, to prosper in sin is a most heavy judgment. See Zechariah 1:15. See Trapp on " Zec 1:15 "

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