Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, and all my members [are] as a shadow.

Ver. 7. Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow] Not only is my good name blasted, but my body also is wasted; the nerves of mine eyes are contracted, the visual faculty decayed, Psalms 6:7. "Mine eye is consumed because of grief; yea, my soul and my belly," Psalms 31:9. Not the visual only, but the vital powers are wasted; see Job 16:16 yea, the intellectual part as well as the sensitive, understood by the formations in the next clause, that is, the cogitations, say they, according to Genesis 6:5. But I rather take it according to our translation, for the members of the body.

And all my members are as a shadow] My membra members are but umbra, shadows, they look more like a skeleton, an anatomy, an apparition, than a true body, nothing being left but skin and bone, so much meagred are all my members. This is hyperbolica malorum suorum amplificatio, saith Merlin.

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