For [God] shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand.

Ver. 22. For God shall cast upon him, and not spare] But set himself to inflict upon this cursed caitiff all the plagues written and unwritten in his book, full vials of vengeance; an evil, an only evil, even punishment without pity, misery without mercy, sorrow without succour, crying without comfort, mischief without measure, torments without end, and past imagination.

He would fain flee out of his hand] But that will not be; like a wretched caitiff, he runs without resting, but God's hand pursueth him till he perisheth. He may shuffle from side to side, as Balaam's ass did; he may skip up and down, as the wounded deer; Sed haeret lateri lethalis arundo, the deadly dart sticks in his side, &c.

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