For I know [that] thou wilt bring me [to] death, and [to] the house appointed for all living.

Ver. 23. For I know that thou wilt bring me to death] Such hard thoughts had Job of God, and such heavy thoughts of himself. Nam experior, mors avocat me so Tremellius: For I feel it, death calleth me away. Sic ludis mecum, ut facile conieciam mibi moriendum esse saith Brentius: Thou so dalliest with me, that I plainly perceive I must shortly die, there is no avoiding of it. Thus good Job was pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch as he despaired even of life; and had the sentence (or denunciation) of death in himself, &c., 2 Corinthians 1:8,10. But God was better to him than his fears, and delivered him from so great a death: this is usual.

Qui nil sperare potest, desperet nihil.

And to the house appointed for all living] That is, the grave, Psalms 49:14; Psalms 89:48, that congregation house of all living; as heaven is called Pανηγυρις, the congregation house of the firstborn, Hebrews 12:23, the public or common meeting place, as Isaiah 14:13, the house of constitution or assignation to all living, as the Hebrew here hath it, that is, to all men, who are by an excellence called, "every creature," Mark 16:15, as being the best living creatures upon earth.

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