Now he hath not directed [his] words against me: neither will I answer him with your speeches.

Ver. 14. Now he hath not directed his speech against me] And so I have no particular edge or grudge against him, he hath no reason to think that I come prejudicated or exasperated. This Elihu speaketh purposely, to get within Job; that he might the better persuade with him. We must endeavour to preserve in the party with whom we would prevail an opinion of our love and good affection to him; for else we shall lose all our sweet words, since man is a cross and crabbed creature; duci vult, trahi non vult, lead him you may, drag him you must not.

Neither will I answer him with your speeches] But with better; he shall have from me soft words and hard arguments; I will come over him in a milder manner, and to better purpose; while, moved merely by a zeal for God's glory, I shall show him his miscarriages, not in mine own words, but in God's. That is a true saying of learned Junius, Personatae reprehensiones frigent; plurimumque interest ex animo omnia, ut conscientia fert animusque, facias; an de industria.

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