Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.

Ver. 1. Wherefore Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches] Plain Job, for flattering titles Elihu would give none, Job 32:22; only in prefacing to his discourses he is very large, witness the whole former chapter, which may well stand for a common exordium to all the five following; and the seven first verses of this, wherein he both calleth upon Job for audience, and useth arguments for that purpose. An orator he showeth himself all along; for in his introduction he hath τα ηθη, milder affections, which suit best to insinuate; and toward the conclusion he hath τα παθη, pathetic expressions, that may leave an impression on his hearers.

And hearken to all my words] And not to some of them only, picking and choosing what pleaseth you, and turning a deaf ear to the rest, as he in Tacitus did, who said, Tu linguae, ego aurium dominus, You may say what you please, but I will hear no more than I like and list. This is an evil ear, and must be healed (as the orator told his countrymen) ere any good can be done. The good soul lieth low at God's feet and saith, "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." All that the Lord our God shall speak unto us, that will we hear and do, Deuteronomy 5:27. Now, therefore, we are all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God, Acts 10:33. It is a sign of an honest heart to take the precepts together with the promises, and to tremble at the threatenings as well as to reach after the comforts, of God's Holy Word; which last every hypocrite will be catching at, as children do at deserts, passing by the better provision.

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