If he set his heart upon man, [if] he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;

Ver. 14. If he set his heart upon man] viz. For evil, and not for good, and have a purpose to unmake him again, which he can as easily do as will it to be done.

If he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath] If he take away his life, which what is it else but a puff of wind, a vapour, &c., who can say he is unjust? May not the potter do with his pot as he pleaseth? We subsist merely by his manutension; and if he but pull back his hand only we are gone immediately. This is to be seen in those that swoon suddenly away. See Psalms 104:29, and consider how little this is considered by the most. Elihu thought that Job was wanting herein; for he had heard him, Job 12:13,25, disputing concerning the sovereign and absolute power of God almost in the very same words which himself here useth, from Job 34:13,31 .

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