For his eyes [are] upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.

Ver. 21. For his eyes are upon the ways of man] God's providence (like a well drawn picture, that eyeth each one in the room) observeth all things; he seeth cause enough thus to proceed in judgment against a person or people, though we see it not. And although one man knoweth not another, nor doth any man well know himself; yet God, following, as it were, all men hard at the heels, doth with his eyes narrowly observe and mark what way every one walketh in, he seeth all his goings: let not men, therefore, please themselves in their sinful practices, as if God saw them not, because for a time they escape unpunished; Saeculi laetitia est impunita nequitia; but sin and punishment are tied together with chains of adamant, and cannot long be asunder.

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