Job 34:33 [Should it be] according to thy mind? he will recompense it, whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose; and not I: therefore speak what thou knowest.

Ver. 33. Should it be according to thy mind] Heb. From with thee; q.d. Must things be as thou wilt? And is it fit for thee to prescribe to the Almighty? Hos 8:4 to set the sun by thy dial?

He will recompense it, whether thou refuse, &c.] He will have his pennyworths of thee, whether thou be pleased or displeased.

And not I] Though I foretell thee this, yet it is God that will effect it; therefore think not the worse of me, no more than a people should of a herald or the trumpet as the cause of their war.

Therefore speak what thou knowest] viz. In thine one behalf, but speak the word of truth and soberness, he was no fool who said, It hath often repented me to have spoken, but seldom to have held my peace. There are many other readings and expositions of the words. Let every man (for me) take his choice, and abound in his own sense, so it dissent not from the analogy of faith.

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