Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?

Ver. 16. Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds?] i.e. How they are hung up even in the air, like Architas' or Archimedes' pigeon, equally poised with their own weight. But how they are upheld, and why they fall here, and now, we know not, and wonder. Some naturalists tell us that the clouds are upheld by the heat of the sun but that is more than they can tell, and there is much to be said against it. Wherefore it is better for men to confess their ignorance than so peremptorily to pronounce things they know not. Let it be proper to God to be perfect in knowledge. It was too much that some ascribed to Tertullian, to Jerome, to Tostatus, and some others, that they knew all that was knowable.

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