He paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in [his] strength: he goeth on to meet the armed men.

Ver. 21. He paweth in the valley]

-- Cavatque

Tellurem, et solido graviter sonat ungula cornu.

Quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campum (Virg.).

Such is the impatience of his spirit, that he champs his bit and stamps with his feet; he pricks up his ears, and grows white with foam, and can hardly be held in till the enemy come, and would fain be in the battle; whither, when he comes, he runs upon the pikes, and undauntedly casts himself and his rider among the enemies' squadrons. Quod summa mirum est, saith Mercer, which is a wonderful thing indeed; and it is no less wonderfully set forth by a most lively and lightsome hypotyposis, giving us to see, as it were, the horse rushing into the battle, and to hear him shearing and snorting with disdain and despite, bringing everywhere horror and disorder.

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